Tuesday, March 1, 2011

FORMAT command

Consider the data given below
Name              Gender
John                           1
Ram                            1
Geetha                      0
Nithin                        1
Meena                       0

In this data ‘0’ and ‘1’ represents “ Female” and “Male “ respectively. We need to change those 0’s and 1’s by their respective labels. For this we can use FORMAT command in SAS.

libname mylib "D:\sas\";/*Creating a library named mylib*/
data mylib.file1;/*Storing the given data into file1*/
input name$ gender;
John 1
Ram 1
Geetha 0
Nithin 1
Meena 0
proc format;/*Creating a format named sex*/
value sex
proc print data=mylib.file1;
format gender sex.;/*Format is applying  to the variable gender*/

These codes can only format the output. If you want to make changes in the file, use the follwing code given below.

data mylib.file1;
set mylib.file1;
format gender sex.;

If you are using “ data mylib.file2; ” instead of “ data mylib.file1; ” then SAS will create a new file named ‘file2’ and a formatted version of this data will save into it.