libname MYLIB 'C:\SASDATA\'
DATAFILE= "C:\auto.xls"
- First we use the out= statement to tell SAS where to store the data once they are imported.
- Next the datafile= statement tells SAS where to find the file we want to import.
- The dbms= statement is used to identify the type of file being imported. This statement is redundant if the file you want to import already has an appropriate file extension, for example *.xls.
- The replace statement will overwrite an existing file.
- To specify which sheet SAS should import use the sheet="sheetname" statement. The default is for SAS to read the first sheet. Note that sheet names can only be 31 characters long.
- The getnames=yes is the default setting and SAS will automatically use the first row of data as variable names. If the first row of your sheet does not contain variable names use the getnames=no.
- SAS uses the first eight rows of data to determine whether the variable should be read as character or numeric. The default setting mixed=no assumes that each variable is either all character or all numeric. If you have a variable with both character and numeric values or a variable with missing values use mixed=yes statement to be sure SAS will read it correctly.
- Conveniently SAS reads date, time and datetime formats. The usedate=yes is the default statement and SAS will read date or time formatted data as a date. When usedate=no SAS will read date and time formatted data with a datetime format. Keep the default statement scantime=yes to read in time formatted data as long as the variable does not also contain a date format.
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